Rachel Presslein, a current employee of the Foundation for Health Leadership & Innovation, has recently transitioned to a new role. Previously the Program and Development Manager for the Foundation, she will now be the Program Manager for the North Carolina Rural Health Leadership Alliance (NCRHLA).
In her role before the transition, Rachel worked closely with the Foundation’s Board of Directors and staff to establish and implement strategy for the Foundation’s fund development and communications activities. She was also responsible for managing general operations of the Bernstein Programs and the NCRHLA. In her new role, Rachel will focus the majority of her time on program development of the NCRHLA and will maintain responsibility for the Bernstein Programs, but she will transition out of responsibilities related to fund development and communications.
As program manager, Rachel will be working with the NCRHLA’s members and work groups to develop useful resources and meaningful partnerships to address rural health concerns in the state. In the upcoming months, she will also lead the NCRHLA through a strategic planning process to refine the direction and scope of our work, and with support, she will grow the membership and reach of the NCRHLA to maximize positive change on health outcomes in rural North Carolina.
“I am excited and grateful for this opportunity to take on a new role at the Foundation,” says Rachel. “I look forward to the new and strengthened relationships I will develop with people who are passionate and dedicated to serving rural North Carolina.”