New Staff Feature: Arshya Gurbani Joins The Foundation

In June, Arshya Gurbani joined the Foundation as Communications Writer. In her role, she will develop and manage content for the Foundation’s website, newsletter, and blog. We asked Arshya a few questions to get to know her better.

Q: Where are you from and how did you end up in North Carolina?

I was born and raised in Southern California, and was brought to North Carolina to attend graduate school at UNC Chapel Hill.

Q: What drew you to the Foundation?

Since college, I’ve been interested in the intersection of journalism, education, and public health. The Foundation’s dedication to the community and the investment in public health appeals to me for it’s scope and for it’s focus on holistic health.

Q: What type of organizations have you worked for in the past?

Previously, I have worked at the Office of Admissions for the University of Southern California and as a teaching assistant for the French Ministry of Education as well as BlueEngine.

Q: What are you excited for in this position?

I am excited to work and collaborate with a diverse team of committed individuals, to develop writing skills for a new audience, and to learn more about how health is addressed and discussed in North Carolina.

Q: What do you like to do for fun/ in your free time?

I love being by the water, hiking, and cooking with family and friends.