New Staff Feature: Aimal Noori joins the Foundation

Please join us in welcoming Aimal Noori to the Foundation for Health Leadership & Innovation! Aimal joined us in August 2018 as the Accounting Coordinator. In this role, he will support the Finance Director in numerous activities including vendor payment, credit cards, and invoices.

We asked Aimal a few questions to get to know him better.


Q: Where are you from and how did you end up in North Carolina?  

I am from Afghanistan. Because we (my wife and I) worked for the US in Afghanistan, we got the chance to apply for the SIV (Special Immigration Visa) and came to the USA. Since my aunt is living in North Carolina we planned to settle in NC.

Q: What drew you to the Foundation for Health Leadership & Innovation? (you can also talk about what drew you to this area of work)?

I have worked for more than 10 years for non-for-profit organizations, and the one I enjoyed the most was my last job with HealthNet TPO which is a health organization. When I saw the ad for Accounting Coordinator for FHLI, I went to FHLI’s website to learn more. After finding it a non-for-profit health organization I said, “This is the place I would like to work.”

Q: What type of organizations have you worked for in the past? 

I have worked for a) Trading companies, b) Corporations, c) Non-for-profit organizations working for Health, Rural development, Water sanitation, Humanitarian aid and, d) Embassy/foreign mission

Q: What are you excited for in this position? 

What I am excited for is that there is a lot to do. I can utilize all my knowledge and experience here. Though it seems challenging and it will take time to bring about the changes I have planned for, I am really looking forward to a smooth-running finance and accounting system, with perfect filing and internal control systems in place.

Q: What do you like to do for fun/ in your free time?

I love to meet new people, visit new places and experience new cultures. I also love to go to gym, play games like football/soccer and cricket and study books.