FHLI Position Statement on Medicaid Expansion

The Foundation for Health Leadership and Innovation (FHLI) supports Medicaid expansion in North Carolina. By expanding Medicaid, more than 600,000 North Carolinians will obtain access to timely, affordable health care, a cornerstone of overall health, well-being, and economic security. The working families of this state, including veterans, front-line workers, small business owners, parents, and others, will benefit from expansion. Increasing access to health care for more North Carolinians will strengthen our economy, create more resilient communities, and reduce uncompensated health care costs. We also believe that expanding Medicaid in North Carolina will better support our rural health care systems and providers, who face especially daunting challenges during the global pandemic.

FHLI aims to advance programs and partnerships that increase access to affordable, quality health care services and improve the overall health of our state’s communities. We are proud to endorse this policy change in alignment with our organization’s principles. 

To that end, FHLI is pleased to see the House and Senate have named a Joint Legislative Committee on Access to Healthcare and Medicaid Expansion. We look forward to supporting the committee’s work as we collectively strive toward a better, healthier North Carolina.